
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Naughty Boys

I have no problem when my characters talk to me at work.  I can usually give them a bit of my attention and still get my work completed.  But when the boys are being naughty...well, that's a little awkward.

I don't remember how much I've talked about this before but I actually see scenes in my head of my characters.  A lot of authors do, I know.  But while most people can picture what is going on while reading or writing the words, it sort of works opposite for me.  I see the scene fully in my head and then try to get them on the page.  

My muse likes to blind side me.  Sometimes, while I'm writing, my fingers type something that I hadn't originally thought of and it makes me pause for a moment to decide whether it's right or not.  Most of the time, it is.  But she also likes to blind side me with scenes.  Out of nowhere, and with seemingly no provocation, I'll see whatever it is that my boys are doing or saying at the moment.

So imagine you're sitting at your desk, minding your own and working away, and then suddenly, bam! there are naughty boys having sex in your brain.

I said before that Liam and Jared are a lot naughtier than Kelly and Jason were.  And I know a lot of what I see won't end up in the finished tale simply because a lot of sex, just for sex's sake, is not something I'm a fan of.  Okay, if I'm reading something that's just erotica, then yes, it's about the sex.  But when there's a bigger story going on, two men falling in love amidst whatever other crazy is going on in their lives, then sex, for the most part, needs to be a part of the story in that it helps the characters grow or develops the plot.  Know what I'm saying?

Of course, that's not to say a little gratuitous sex isn't welcome.  Just not so much that it overwhelms the story.

Okay, anyway, work yesterday was interesting on account of the mini porno running in my head.  Fortunately, that wasn't all there was going on in there.  Liam told me some important things that had nothing to do with the way he feels about Jared's body. So that was good.

Oh, and I got my work done, too.  


  1. I see nothing wrong with characters suddenly having sex in your brain-no need for porn movies although a bit inconvenient at work lol! I think the writer's brain is a marvellous thing. Have a great weekend Kris and Alder when shows up.

    1. *snickersnort* Yeah, it was a bit inconvenient. And next time anyone says anything about my mind wanderings, I'm totally gonna say "Mary thinks my brain is marvelous!"

      Happy weekend to you!

  2. Gosh, I thought it was bad enough when these naughty boys were just talking about the sex when you were at work, but to get a full visual! I don't know how you get any work done! It's interesting that you see scenes and then write them, I hadn't appreciated that that was how you did it. Like Mary says "marvellous".

    Have a good weekend, Mary. Enjoy your blanket marathon, Kris. I hope the weather isn't too warm! :)

    1. It's actually supposed to be disgustingly oppressively hot and humid around my house. I'm not looking forward to that.

      And yeah, Alder. Not everything I think of happens that way, but a lot of things, I watch play out first and then write them after. That's just how it works for me.

      Hope your weather is nice enough for a walk this weekend!
