
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday!

My honorary brother kicked off the month of birthdays when he had his on Sunday.  But today?  Today is Tato's birthday!  My wee baby brother is all grown up.  Okay, he has been for quite a while but still.  

There are five years between us.  But he and I are the most alike, personality wise.  We have a saying in my family, "1 and 3, 2 and 4."  1 and 3 (Brub and Sis) act the same way, react the same way to certain situations, have similar personalities.  And 2 and 4 (me and Tato) are the exact same way.  We tend toward the more compassionate, the more giving.  We both appreciate the arts and music.  I have to show him everything I make and he has to grab it and say "Mine!" or else the project isn't officially completed.  He's also awesomely creepy.  By that I mean, he just knows things; things he shouldn't, things he couldn't.  And I can't ever lie to him.  Not that I approve of lying, but I can't hardly even keep a secret from him.  Even the good kind.  He's one of the five people that know about this blog.  He supports me, no matter what, even if he has some strong opinions about things.  And even though the words seem cruel, when I say "Shut up!  I hate you! Die!" it's a joke just between us and he knows I never say those words to anyone else.  They are reserved just for him and because of the connotation that we give them, they are words of affection.  (Hey, don't judge us, it amuses us both ☺)

Tato is an all around awesome person.  He has his flaws, of course, but I definitely lucked out when I got him for a younger brother.

He'll get his tribble tonight.  And I know he'll be thrilled.  It will join his Cthulu and his alien walrus and his afghan and his hats in the place of honor that goes to the things I've made him.  And sometime in the future, we'll have a dinner out and hit the movies, just us two.  It'll be fun.

Happy Birthday, Tato!  Love you!


  1. Happy Birthday, Tato!

    Hmmn, "awesomely creepy" - I'd like to read a story where someone was described that way, hint, hint. *g* I think it's a great phrase!

    1. You with your hints. *shakes head*. I'll see what I can do. :)

      I'll pass along your salutations and I'm certain he'll be appreciative. He probably already knows. He is, after all, awesomely creepy! Lol

    2. "He probably already knows." LOL
