
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

With a Pencil and a Pad

I sat down with my trust yellow legal pad and favorite pen last night and made a list.  Several lists actually.  There's the list of projects that I need to complete and deadlines by which I need to complete them.  There's a list of yarn I need to buy in order to complete said projects.  There's the list of things I want to need to write.  And there's a list of blurbs of plot bunnies running 'round my brain.

I like lists.  I like the satisfaction of cross things out.  But more than that, sometimes it helps me when I have a tangible representation of all the things I need to accomplish.  Of course, when I looked at all I had written down, I had a brief moment of panic.  But I'm feeling better about things now.  I let the panic pass and now everything is much clearer.  Yes, I have a lot to do over the coming months.  And I know things will change; new things will crop up and other things will not be as important.  

The first thing I have to accomplish is a present for my cousin who's 50th birthday has totally sneak attacked me.  I don't know why I didn't realize it was the big 5-0, I should have as her parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last summer and I knew she was born a year later, but suddenly, in a week and half, it's birthday.  So, I must make something quickly for her present.  I shake my head at my own foolishness.  I just have to decide what.  I had already scheduled yarn time into the coming weeks to work on Sis's blanket, but instead of working on that, I'll put in my cousin's present.  I have two viable options and by the time I get home from work today, I'll have to have made up my mind.  Then raiding the yarn stash and getting to work as soon as I walk in the door.

And before you ask; No, I don't have to make her something.  But that's my thing.  That's what I do.  And even though I'll probably stress myself out about it, I want to.  So...

Stay tuned for updates and pics!    


  1. You sound as though you've got it all organised even with the sneak attack. :)
