
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monster Progress Report

When I started this thing, I really thought it would be no big deal.  Good Lord, was I wrong.  I've run into multiple issues, issues that shouldn't even be a factor.  I solved one problem only to run into another...and another...and another.

When I figured out the answer to the first issue, I really thought I'd be able to knock it out in a couple of hours.  But nope.  I ran out of one yarn.  Or rather, was on the way to running out of it before I called it a night.  The other yarn is hard to work with.  I mostly had to put it all away for the night last night or I was going to start screaming and crying.  I will try again today now that I have a clearer head.  So hopefully, pictures on Tuesday.  Or, you know, Wednesday at the latest because Wednesday is his actual birthday so I have until Tuesday night to complete the damn thing.  I'm almost ready to give up, I really am, but it's just so freaking cute and he actually asked for it months and months ago.  So, I want to get it done for him.

At any rate, I'm working on it today.  And then I need to finish writing tomorrow's episode. And by the time I'm done with both, I'll probably be ready for a Valium and a margarita.


  1. Oh dear, so yarning can be as frustrating as computers. :(

    1. God, yes! It really, really can be. And some days, I just don't have a knack for either!
