
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Three Deep Breaths

I consider myself to be fairly intelligent.  I know a lot of things, some useless, most not.  But, for some reason, I never thought about taking a moment, when the stress level gets high, to make my shoulders relax, to straighten my posture, to take three deep, silent breaths.

A few weeks ago, when I was having a bad day and totally stressed out, a dear friend was sympathizing and also made the suggestion that when it's getting crazy in my life and in my head, to take that moment.  To take those three deep breaths.

It's made all the difference in the world.

Some days, yeah, I have to keep doing it, over and over again.  Some days, it's a near constant thing.  But just that moment...lowering my shoulders, straightening my spine, taking those breaths...in those few seconds, everything calms within me.  The act of centering myself stops the chaos for a bit.  The more I do it, the better I feel.

Now, I'm better able to handle myself when it's getting a little crazy in my brain.  When I'm getting stressed, or obsessed, or worked up.  I know what to do.  I conciously bring my shoulders down.  I straighten my posture.

And I take those three deep breaths.  


  1. Aw, glad it's helped. :)

    And what did Tato say when he got his tribble?

    1. Hugs Alder!

      He adores it! Reminded me that tribbles are born pregnant and then not so subtly hinted that there should be more. I just shook my head and reminded him that the yarn was a bitch to work with. He was not deterred. I walked away.

    2. "I walked away." lol

    3. *g* Sometimes, really, there's nothing that can be said. You just have to turn and walk away.
