
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Oh Bother

Incoming family alert!

Okay, so it's not really a bad thing.  Remember a couple of months ago when I complained about the family that didn't show up until 11 o'clock at night?  Part of the reason for that, if I didn't say before, was that they were moving here from near across the country and we were the last stop before they finished their journey.  So, they've been settled here for a couple of months, my cousin and her three kids.

Y'all know I'm close to my mom and siblings.  There are a few members of my extended family that I'm close to as well.  This cousin is one of them, as when I was just a wee babe, she spent the summer watching me and my brother (she's 13 years older than I am).  We've always said I was her first baby.  And she lived with us on and off over the years as she was getting out of college and her first job.  Now she's got three children of her own, ages 14, 10, and 9.  Sis lived with them for four years out in Colorado, helping my cousin raise them.  So we are all a very tight knit group.

They are coming to visit for the weekend.  It's going to be fun but also stressful.  Because the younger two have quite a bit of energy and while they are hysterical, it's not something I'm used to on a daily basis so it's sort of exhausting.

And I know damn well I'm not going to get everything accomplished that I want to this weekend, but what am I going to do?  Family time trumps everything else and that is how it should be.  Thankfully, I'll be able to escape to my sanctuary when it all gets too much.  And have a little decompression time.  And when I have to be in the mass of it all, I can knit while I'm hanging out and that will keep my brain occupied.

Oh, and I have next Monday and Tuesday off from work, because my concentration will be shot those two days anyway, so that'll be extra decompression time.  I'll need it after all the family happy crazy.  It is serendipitous that it worked out that way, isn't it?    


  1. Will you be taking the kids out anywhere while they are here? To the cinema or some such?

    1. Shrugs. We shall see. It depends on what transpires. Sis is babysitting on Saturday as well so there might be a trip to the zoo.
