
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Post Festival Report

Sis and I had such a good time yesterday!  The weather was perfect and we meandered around the entire place, looking at what we wanted to, spending as much or as little time in each of the little shops as we pleased.  We ate too much and had excellent wine slushies and walked some more.  We caught a couple of the shows and laughed and smiled.  I dressed up because I love it.  Sis did not because she doesn't.  She, actually, wore a t-shirt that says "I have two needles.  You have two eyes.  Don't mess with a woman who knits."  She got four compliments on the shirt.  Since I was the one that bought it for her for her birthday several years ago, I was feeling pretty pleased with myself.  And the guy at the shop where they carve staffs and wands said he was a knitter which I think is awesome.

We were watching a few performers dance to bagpipe (love bagpipes!) and drum music.  Sis leaned close and said softly in my ear, "You're writing in your head right now, aren't you?"  I blinked in shock.  She just gave me a knowing smirk, "I know what that look on your face means."  And she was right.  Because there were four men and two women doing this dance and so two of the men were partnered up and you know what that means in my brain...in the three minutes we were watching them dance, I had created a whole short about the interaction.  

I was, of course, exhausted by the time we got home.  But after I took care of the things I needed and wanted to take care of, it was too late for a nap.  Which was vexing because you know I love naps but I couldn't see going to sleep, to wake up in a couple hours, only to go back to bed a few hours after that. So, instead, I vegged out in front of the TV, watched a few episodes of Tanked and then popped Star Trek in (because someone has got me having Star Trek constantly on the brain!) and once that was over, it was late enough that I could allow myself to sleep.  

And sleep I did.  My dreams, by the way, were fucking awesome!  


  1. Whoa! That last sentence! You know I'm wondering if that means they were NSFW after a day seeing all those men in costume. :D

    Glad you had a great day, and got some plot bunnies!

    1. Lol! No, no. Not like that! Though there were a bunch of pretty menz in pretty costumes, it was just general Ren faire revelry. And I was wearing my dream dress. :)
