
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Okay, lots of reasons.

It's Friday, and that's always a good thing.  It's the last day of working for the week and you don't have to wear work clothes, which is always more comfortable.  

Tato had an excellent birthday.  He loved all his prezzies, in particular the tribble (though, admittedly, there's a slight chance I'm biased).  All the minions at his work made a big deal out of it, breaking into shouts, or song, or dance when he walked by.  (Tato has what I call "emperor complex" as in he wants to rule the world and everyone shall bow to him)  We all went out to a restaurant he loves for dinner.  We laughed a lot.  It was good.  And I'm very happy he had such a good day.

Renaissance Festival!  Sis and I are going tomorrow. There's one in a town not too far from here and it's a long standing faire, I think this is it's 37th year.  I've been going every year for a while now. Usually, there's a group of us but this year it's just me and Sis. I'm very excited.  There are certain things that I love to see every year.  And even though it can get pretty crowded, I think the fact that it's outside, with lots of trees and little spaces where you can step aside, breathe in peace, so I'm usually okay.  But it's a lot of fun and then when we get tired or overwhelmed, we can get in the car and go home.  I have a dress I love, and I do my hair, and, at the end of the day, I'm very relieved to open the stays because after eight hours of being confined by the boning in my dress, it's nice to be able to breathe.  And the weather is supposed to be absolutely lovely, which will be a nice change, because I think five out of the last six years it rained all day when we were there.

So, yeah, it's been a good week and there is still much to look forward to.  I'm a little nervous, because, you know, plans have been made.  But this is the kind of thing that requires plans to be made.  It can't be all willy nilly.  But thus far, knock on wood, it seems to be all working out in my favor.  Cross your fingers for me, okay?